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Companion Brand Identity

After an extensive pitch process our team at Trollbäck was awarded a comprehensive digital campaign tasked with putting the new Spotify design language into motion. To convert users to Premium subscribers, we focused on creating emotional connections to key benefits of the service - from ad-free listening and offline commuting to better sound quality while working. We shot and composited 10 contextual scenarios and then translated each animation into 10 languages for use across markets in Asia and the Americas. In collaboration with our sound partners YouTooCanWoo we created genre-agnostic music for continuity across the entire campaign.

The spots aired within the Spotify App, across social platforms and at various live events. 

Brand Identity

Companion is a personal security App that always has your back. In close collaboration with the startup founders, I crafted the visual and verbal tone of the brand. By communicating through the voice of a calm and "trusted friend" we differentiated Companion in a landscape of cold and alarming personal security applications. 

We launched the visual identity with a modernized type system and a "C" transit symbol that represents the 3 individual check-in points of the user journey. The icon system communicates individual benefits of the app and is anchored on a tight grid of connected dots that speaks to the Apps platform of movement and connectivity.


With the new tagline "Adventure Safely" the brand strikes a reassuring, decisive and social tone that isn't afraid to get serious when it's necessary. Photography and art direction captures the lifestyle of a diverse and authentic young audience that is confident in knowing someone has their back.