
TeenNick Teenick Trollback Creative Director Promax Nickelodeon


TeenNick Rebrand

Role: Creative Director and Designer
Company: Trollback+Company
Recognition: Brand New Top Rebrand of 2019

While Creative Director at Trollbäck+Company, I led an integrated team through a four month pitch to rebrand Viacom’s TeenNick property. Our discovery process included interviews with a diverse set of real-world teens. We extracted an insight around the juxtaposition of opposites - analog, nostalgia vs. tech-forward and the awkward tension of being almost an adult and no longer a kid. It was this “in-between” state that defined our creative strategy and awarded the multi-platform rebrand.

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Photography + Content Capture

A major component of the rebrand was a live-action treatment of gen z kids in TeenNick contexts. I lead a team of writers to craft multiple scenarios and storylines intended to reference TeenNick content and capture tweens in their natural environment. The treatment included parameters grounded in diversity and imperfection. Burst photography and low frame rates were explored as techniques to reference a culture obsessed with analog sensibilities. Live-action direction was lead by Elliott Chaffer and photography duo Anais + Dax.